Sunday, April 28, 2024

Blog Post #10

 One specific topic which stood out to me when listening to the presentations for the EOTO #2 was propaganda. Mitra explained what exactly Propaganda was and also a few examples of the most significant uses of it. 

She mentions how the Germans used propaganda in WWII in an effort to push their agenda against Jewish people. She talked about how the propaganda campaign dehumanized all Jews, and that it was effective, leading to one of the most horrific events in human history.

The Germans were also not the only ones who used propaganda as so did the U.S army. One of their biggest goals was to get more soldiers to sign up for the army. Another goal of theirs was to get woman to start working in the factories to take the jobs of the soldiers going to war. This was a very smart and strategic propaganda campaign which would ultimately end up being very successful. You could make the argument that during WWII, the U.S was the least divided it has been in recent history and I believe the propaganda campaigns the government were pushing played a part in that.

Overall, propoganda is still used today from governments and with the emergence of the internet and social media is even more impactful then it was 80 years ago.

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