Sunday, February 11, 2024

Blog Post #5

    The product that I learned about from Jaiden was Twitter, which is now referred to as X. Jaiden mentioned how Twitter was founded in 2006 and would serve as a space for people to share 140 characters or fewer posts about whatever they pleased. Over the years it has developed into a global phenomenon where you can do a lot more than just share your thoughts. Twitter has faced plenty of issues over the years including problems with harassment, trolling, and misinformation. They seem to have gotten a pretty good handle on these problems as X has been operating pretty smoothly in my opinion.

    In 2022 Elon Musk, owner of SpaceX and Tesla, decided to buy Twitter for over 40 billion dollars. He would go on to fire the majority of Twitter's executives and pretty much clear house. When he bought Twitter, Elon emphasized the importance of making it a haven of truth. He discussed how there had been a lot of misinformation on Twitter in the past and he wanted to change that. One issue that he was very outspoken about was COVID-19 and how Twitter had been fact-checking some people while others were free to state their opinions. It was interesting watching all of this unfold and seeing the way Elon has transformed Twitter into X.

    Nowadays Twitter is used for a wide variety of things. You can get your news from Twitter which is actually something that I tend to do. I like how there are a lot of different sources to choose from, as this makes it easier to tell which sources are interested in giving you the facts and which sources are interested in spinning the story for their own narrative. I also like getting sports highlights from X as they tend to get uploaded very quickly. You also hear a lot of drama and trending stuff on X which is also something people use it for.

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