Sunday, February 25, 2024

Blog Post #9

     One of the main takeaways from this video is that AI is changing the way we live in a ton of different ways. The possibilities of AI appear to be endless which is why governments all over the world are investing billions of dollars and tons of manpower into it. The video mentions that the Chinese figured out the potential of AI when they built a computer to beat the world champion in a very challenging game called Go. Scientists are also comparing data to oil when it comes to the most valuable resources in the world. It is hard to argue with the potential of AI, however, there is also some danger that comes with it. 

    With something like AI that has the potential to change the world, we have to hope that it will only be used for positive things. Giving governments the power to build and manage weapons that use AI is something that is very dangerous and could end very poorly. Another reason to be fearful of AI is that if we are unable to control it. It is very possible for AI to become self-aware and possibly harm people whom it feels might be a threat to it. Personally, I find this to be very concerning. I also think it is concerning that we are trusting our government to find the fine line between what might be dangerous to people and what isn't.

    Another thing that AI could be used for is hacking and possibly threatening our national security. Hacking from cyber terrorists is already a big problem nowadays, which is why the idea that AI could be used for hacking is frightening. If a cyber-terrorist is able to do a ton of damage already, what are the limits to an AI-powered supercomputer that the Chinese government has access to? In my opinion, the race to become more advanced with AI can be compared to the race for nuclear weapons. I don't think it is crazy to say that AI has just as much, if not more potential to be more dangerous than nuclear weapons. Overall, we really just need to hope the people in power act responsibly and act in the well-being of the majority of humanity.

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Final Post

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