Monday, January 22, 2024

Blog Post #2

     I learned a lot from the video we watched in class discussing the Supreme Court. The first thing I learned is that the Supreme Court is the most powerful judicial body on earth. I always knew that it was a very high honor to be a Supreme Court judge, however, I didn't realize how much power a Supreme Court judge possesses. Another interesting fact that I learned is that there have been just over 100 Supreme Court judges in history serving an average of 16 years. 16 years is a long time which is why this was so surprising to me. I think one of the most important takeaway points from this video about the Supreme Court is that the judges are referring to a document that was made over 200 years ago by our founding fathers. It is pretty incredible that we are still basing decisions regarding current issues on a document that is that old. This isn't to say that I believe the Constitution is invalid, as I think protecting people's liberties from the government is incredibly important, and that was one of the main purposes of the Constitution. Something surprising that I learned is that Supreme Court Judges have to wait until people bring their problems to the Supreme Court. I think it is interesting that the Supreme Court Judges can't bring up issues that they find are pressing. This video changed my understanding of the Supreme Court because I didn't realize how powerful they truly are. I didn't realize they are the most powerful judicial body on earth. When I hear of a new judge being appointed in the future, I will definitely pay more attention to the process.

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