Monday, January 22, 2024

Blog Post #1


The reason I enjoy using Twitter (now X) to find my news is because there is a wide range of media that use it, which allows me to hear the news from many different sources. I think this helps me come to a conclusion on what is true regarding the information in the story as a lot of news platforms today have agendas they are pushing. When you read a lot of different platforms take on the same story it is easier to see what these agendas might be.


Roca News is my favorite news company solely because the premise of their company is to provide the news without any agenda or voicing their opinion. I like this because it allows me to get all of the information, and form my own opinion. I am subscribed to Roca via email and receive the news for free, multiple times a week. Roca covers the biggest stories throughout the world which is a big reason I consistently read their stuff. A lot of the big media companies could learn from how Roca is unbiased.


I use Instagram to find news somewhat inadvertently. Instagram consistently recommends news stories from the biggest news companies like Fox News and CNN. I find that these companies tend to focus more on sharing their opinion than the actual facts of the story. For this reason, I tend to fact-check the stuff I find through Instagram and am somewhat hesitant to trust the stories.

4. Youtube
I tend to use YouTube to get a more in-depth analysis of certain news stories. YouTube videos can be longer than those on other platforms, which allows for more information to be covered. I watch a lot of YouTube in general and constantly see news stories in my recommended section. My only complaint about the news on YouTube is that a lot of it consists of the news anchors' opinions. This might be attributed to the fact that the videos are longer.

5. TikTok

The last source I use and I definitely use this source the least is TikTok. I don't intentionally use TikTok as a news source and really only see the news here because it gets recommended to me. TikTok's videos are also very short which makes it hard to cover the details of a story in depth during the period allotted. I also think a lot of the news on TikTok is based on an agenda.

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